Education Program and Exams

Home CPA Program Education and Examination Program

Education and Examination Program

"An investment in education is an investment in yourself and in the future of Papua New Guinea" 

Education is the key to growth and development.  At CPA PNG we are committed to providing world class training and education to enable our members to be the best they can be.  Our programs allow members to invest in themselves to grow as professionals and develop their careers.

2024 Semester Two Examinations Registration are open. Register Now! 

IMPORTANT DATES to be considered by both  CPA & CAT


  • Due Date for Examination Enrolment:                                                                :Friday, 26th July 2024
  • Due Date for Examination Deferral /Withdrawals  without Penality:                   :Thursday, 30th August 2024
  • Due Date for Change of Venue                                                                           :Friday, 27th September 2024

Examination Dates

NO Subject Important Date
1 Foundations of Accounting Monday 227 May 2024
2 Taxation Law and Practice Tuesday 28th May 2024
3 Strategic Management Accounting  Wednesday 29th May 2024
4 Ethics and Governance Wednesday 29th May 2024
5 Advanced Audit and Assurance Firday 31st May 2024
6 Financial Risk Management Thursday 30th May 2024
7 Business Law Firday 31st May 2024
8 Financial Reporting Thursday 30th May 2024
9 Accounting Concepts and Principles (Elective) Tuesday 28th May 2024
10  Business Finance (Elective)                    Tuesday 28th May 2024
11 Management Accounting  Wednesday 29th May 2024
12 Financial Accounting and Reporting                     Thursday 30th May 2024

 2024 Semester Two Exam Programs

Registered Accounting Graduate (RAG)



Registered Accounting Technician (RAT)



Foundation of Accounting (Pre-requiste to other subject) K275 K275 Foundation of Accounting (Pre-requiste to other subject) K275 K275
PNG Business Law K275 K275 Intorduction to Buiness Law K275 K275
PNG Taxation Law and Practice  K275 K275 Intorduction to Taxation Law & Practice K275 K275
Financial Reporting K880 K275 Financial Accounting and Reporting K880 K275
Financial Risk Management  K880 K275 Management Accounting K880 K275
Strategic Management Accounting  K550 K275 Accounting Concepts & Principles (Elective) K880 275
Advance Audit and Assurance K550 K275 Business Finance (Eelective) K880 K275
Ethics and Governance  K550 K275 Ethics and Governance K550 K275

Reference Books:  IAS is free and can be accessed online:

                                    IFRS: please contact: for assistance.

                                    IFRS – to obtain a copy, please contact Veronica: for assistance.

Check on the event page and seach for examination to register for respective courses